One Welfare Framework Publication - Open Access Crowdfunding |
One Welfare Love -
Global, 2018- end of crowdfund
Global, 1st December 2018
The One Welfare Team has now published with CABI The One Welfare Framework, focusing on the interrelationships between animal welfare, human wellbeing and the environment but needs your help to make the electronic publication open access for all.
You have the chance to contribute making this valuable publication free access in electronic format here. |
The One Welfare Team has now opened a brand new Redbubble shop with the new "One Welfare Love" line. Between 20-30% of sale price, depending on the product, comes directly to our non-profit enterprise and will be invested towards developing, implementing and supporting global dissemination of One Welfare through our initiatives.
You can now show your love for One Welfare here. |
II United Arab Emirates National Conference for Animal Welfare |
Swedish Veterinary Congress 2018, I One Welfare Symposium |
The One Welfare Framework: Why should vets care? |
Dubai, 11-12 Nov. 2018
Uppsala, 9-10 Nov. 2018
Bristol, 7 Nov. 2018
One Welfare Framework presentation within the opening session.
Sponsored by UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environment. |
One Welfare Framework presentation to open the I Swedish One Welfare Symposium taking place within the Swedish Veterinary Congress 2018
Sponsored by Sveriges Verterinärforbünd. |
One Welfare Framework talk to members of the One Health Bristol Association
Sponsored by One Health Bristol. |
I Congreso de Proyectos de Ayuda Bidireccional |
Compassion in World Farming - lunchtime seminar |
Eurogroup for Animals Annual Conference |
Torrejón de Ardoz, 29-30 Sept. 2018
Godalming, 9th July 2018
Brussels, 27 June 2018
One Welfare Framework keynote speech to open the I international bidirectional help (human-animal) congress in Torrejón de Ardoz, Spain.
Sponsored by Uniendo Almas. |
Lunchtime seminar introducing the One Welfare concept and Framework.
Sponsored by Compassion in World Farming. |
Keynote speech at the Eurogroup for Animals 2018 annual Conference presenting the One Welfare Framework.
Sponsored by Eurogroup for Animals. |
Book Launch: "One Welfare - A framework to improve animal welfare and human wellbeing" |
Global Seminar on Animal Welfare
J.A Wight Memorial Award
London, 19th June 2018
Barcelona, 7th May 2018
Birmingham, 6th April 2018
First official presentation of the book One Welfare - a framework to improve animal welfare and human wellbeing held at the Spanish Embassy in London .
Sponsored by Embassy of Spain in London, Ibérica Restaurants and Orballo |
Support to the organising committee and One Welfare Framework talk delivered at The Global Seminar of Animal Welfare hosted at the 34th World Veterinary Association Congress. The seminar followed the Global One Health Summit and focused on One Welfare.
Sponsored by World Veterinary Association |
The J.A. Wight (James Herriot) Memorial Award 2018, presented to a veterinary surgeon who has made an outstanding contribution to the welfare of companion animals, was awarded to our Founder Dr. Rebeca García Pinillos
Sponsored by Blue Cross and BSAVA |
Western Veterinary Counties Association - One Welfare - why should vets care?Exeter, 21st March 2018
One Welfare talk delivered following the annual association AGM .
Sponsored by the Western Counties Veterinary Association. |
Nottingham Vet School
V Animal Disease Defence Congress: Brazilian Veterinary Service: In search of sustainability
Belem, Para, Brasil, 4-8 December 2017
One Welfare talk delivered during the animal welfare session of this conference. Sponsored by MAPA.
Jornadas nacionales de Seguridad Alimentaria, AVESA 2017Valencia, Spain, 26-27 October 2017
British Veterinary Nurse Association Congress 2017Telford, England, 6-7 October 2017
33rd World Veterinary CongressIncheon, South Korea, 27-31 August 2017
One Welfare project founder, Dr. Rebeca García Pinillos, awarded KVMA Friendship Travel Grant to attend the 33rd World Veterinary Congress, "One Health, New Wave". This was in recognition of her work with the UK Association of Government Veterinarians to promote and disseminate One Health, One Welfare and the role of vets in society.
One Welfare Framework Webinar24th July 2017
An interactive webinar summarising key highlights of the One Welfare Framework survey and providing participants with an opportunity to contribute further to the development of this framework took place involving participants from across the world; sponsored by CABI.
OIE Welfare bulletin publication - One Welfare edition!Paris, France, 22nd May 2017
The latest OIE Welfare Bulletin has a One Welfare focus, including "Animal Welfare, an asset for livestock production"; "One Welfare: a Framework to support the implementation of OIE standards" and "One Welfare: towards sustainable livestock productions systems". Read the bulletin here.
One Welfare World twitter account launchParis, France, 22nd May 2017
New twitter account featuring a different expert/organisation sharing their #onewelfare work and expertise on a rotating basis launched at the 85th OIE General Session.
One Welfare project founder, Dr. Rebeca García Pinillos, awarded PremaGyan Good100 medal, recognising sustainable innovators with projects that exemplify compassion and wisdom.
One Welfare poster presented at the Defra/Royal Society conference, partial sponsorship from APHA.
One Welfare talk delivered to animal welfare experts from Balkan countries, partial sponsorship from APHA, Balkan Regional animal Welfare and RSPCA International.
One Welfare Framework Global Consultation LaunchVirtual Global Event, 1st February 2017
A survey consultation to help define a framework for One Welfare published.
One Welfare Website LaunchVirtual Global Event, 1st January 2017
With the arrival of the New Year the new One Welfare website is ready!
4th OIE Global Welfare Conference on Animal WelfareGuadalajara, Mexico, 6-8th December 2016
London Vet ShowLondon, UK, 17th November 2016
One Welfare talk delivered in collaboration with Association of Government Vets, partial sponsorship from APHA.
VPHA / AGV Autumn conferencePeterborough, UK, 5th November 2016
One Welfare talk delivered in collaboration with the Association of Government Vets, partial sponsorship from APHA.
One Welfare SeminarBurgos, Spain, 25th October 2016
One Welfare talk delivered to vets and other professionals dealing with animal welfare and human wellbeing issues, sponsored by the Burgos College of Veterinary Surgeons
European Congress of Animal Welfare and Behavioural MedicineCascais, Portugal, 20th October 2016
One Welfare poster presented at the European College for Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine / AWSELVA conference.
International One Welfare ConferenceManitoba, Canada, 28th September 2016
One Welfare poster presented at the international One Welfare Manitoba conference, partial sponsorship by The Links Group.
UFAW Animal Welfare ConferenceYork, UK, 23rd June 2016
One Welfare poster presented at the UFAW international conference, partial sponsorship by APHA.
Published call for contributions to build up a One Welfare view point |
One Welfare Stakeholder discussion meeting
London, 17th December 2015
London, 26th October 2015
Call published in Veterinary Record asking for contributions towards a One Welfare view point paper (Pinillos, RG., Appleby, MC, Scott-Park, F., Smith, CW. (2015) One Welfare, Veterinary Record 177, 629-630 ).
One Welfare stakeholder meeting held at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in London to discuss the concept of One Welfare. The meeting included a number of UK Government Department, NGOs and Veterinary Association representatives.