VII Animal Welfare CongressBarcelona, Spain
14th-15th November 2024 Panel speaker - The influence of animal welfare in global public health: promoting physical and emotional health and preventing pandemics - the role of One Welfare.
Sponsored and organised by ICAB |
One Welfare: A Framework to Improve Animal Welfare and Human WellbeingBeijing, China
1st November 2024 Presentation of the One Welfare Book Chinese Mandarin translation and round table. 'One Welfare, an inherent element to sustainable farming'
Sponsored by Instituto Cervantes Beijing |
World Conference on Animal Welfare in the Sustainable Agri-food systemsPinggu, Beijing, China
29th-30th October 2024 |
Ethiopian Veterinary Association 37th Conference and 50th AnniversaryHybrid - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
18th October 2024 Introducing One Welfare and Celebrating the Golden Jubilee of the Ethiopian Veterinary Association. Organised by EVA
I Social Pediatrics Green CircleHybrid - Madrid, Spain
20-22th September 2024 Talk introducing One Welfare and the One Welfare Framework.
One Welfare Phoenix Workshop. |
One Welfare Book Presentation and round table |
Association of Meat Inspectors, 59th International seminar |
One Welfare Book II Presentation |
Hybrid - London, England,
19th September 2024 |
Edgmond, England
14th September 2024 |
Paraguay, 24th July 2024
Talk introducing the book One Welfare: animal health and welfare, food security and sustainability followed by a round table panel. Organised in collaboration with Spanish embassy and Uruguay embassies in the UK, SRUK/CERU and Instituto Cervantes.
Hosted by Instituto Cervantes London |
Drugs, bugs and animal welfare' key note talk discussing the connection between antimicrobial resistance and animal welfare and its relevance within public health and meat inspection..
Organised by Association of Meat Inspectors |
Talk introducing the book One Welfare: animal health and welfare, food security and sustainability.
Organised by Bienestar Animal |
Webinar - Asia Pacific Animal WelfareTokio, Japan, 4th July 2024
Talk introducing the relationship between One Health, One Welfare and the One Welfare Framework.
Organised by the WOAH RAWS Asia-Pacific. |
Focal Point Training - Europe Region Animal WelfareMadrid, Spain 25th June 2024
Talk introducing the concept of One Welfare and the One Welfare Framework as a holistic approach to animal welfare.
Organised by WOAH Europe region |
Animal Welfare Twinning ProjectTunis, Tunisia, 13th June 2024
Talk introducing the concept of One Welfare and the One Welfare Framework.
Organised by the Ecole Nationale de Médecine Vétérinaire (ENMV). |
One Welfare Book Launch |
APBC 35th Anniversary Conference |
Cancelled: The concept of One Welfare in the context of the current avian influenza epidemic |
Montevideo, Uruguay, 22nd May 2024
Daventry, England, 20-21st April 2024
Strasbourg, Europe, 14th March 2024
Launch of the book One Welfare: animal health and welfare, food security and sustainability.
Organised and funded by the British Embassy Montevideo. |
Opening Key note introducing One Welfare and how it relates to companion animals in the community.
Organised and funded by the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors. |
Introduction to One Welfare, the One Welfare Framework and how they apply to the avian influenza epidemic.
Organised and funded by Eurogroup for animals. |
One Welfare Photo Contest ExhibitionBurgos, Spain, 10-22nd October 2023
Exhibition of the One Welfare Photo Contest, I Edition. Organised by One Welfare CIC, and sponsored by Colegio de Veterinarios de Burgos and Caja Rural, Burgos.
One Welfare Photo Contest - I EditionOctober, 2023 Global
I Edition of the One Welfare Photo Contest - Nature and us. Organised by One Welfare CIC
European Animal Health and Welfare Research NetworkVirtual, Europe, 28th November 2023
Talk introducing One Welfare and the One Welfare Framework
IV One Welfare World ConferenceBurgos, Spain, 10-11th October 2023
Hybrid IV One Welfare World Conference organised by One Welfare CIC
V Conference Spanish Association of National VeterinariansVirtual, Spain, 23rd November 2023
Talk covering animal welfare in the European and International Framework: The One Welfare tool. Organised and funded by: Association del Cuerpo Nacional Veterinario.
II Congress of animal health and welfareCordoba, Spain 21-23rd September 2023
Keynote - "Health, love and a home make up the wellbeing" (Salud, amor y hogar hacen el bienestar)
Organised by: Consejo General de Colegios Veterinarios de España |
One Welfare and its relevance to the vet profession
Spain (virtual), 14th September 2023
Talk covering how One Welfare is relevant to the veterinary profession alongside One Health.
Organised by: Campus del Consejo General de Colegios Veterinarios de España. |
One Health, One Welfare Summer Course
Baeza, Spain, 4-7th September 2023
Course introducing the One Health, the One Welfare concepts and initiatives focused on health and wellness to address global problems affecting humans, animals and ecosystems.
Hosted by: International University of Andalusia (UNIA) |
One Welfare Phoenix WorkshopEdinburgh, Scotland, 18th June 2023
Course introducing the One Health, the One Welfare concepts and initiatives focused on health and wellness to address global problems affecting humans, animals and ecosystems.
Hosted by: International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ) |
One Health Conference
V International Meeting of animal welfare researchers - A new paradigm for sustainable development |
IV Agronomic and veterinary science international congress |
Jamaica, 14-15th January 2023
Montevideo, Uruguay, 14-15th November 2022
Chiapas, Mexico (virtual) 8th November 2022
Talk introducing One Welfare, the One Welfare Framework and how it relates to the Caribbean.
Organised by: Caribbean college of family physicians & Jamaica Veterinary Medical Associatio.n |
Talk describing One Welfare, the One Welfare Framework and their role in animal welfare research.
Organised by: Bienestar Animal |
Talk describing the role of One Welfare in global challenges
Organised by: CICAV |
African Network for Animal Welfare Conference |
One Welfare Stars
First Conference of CIBA Net and ISAE Southwest Europe |
Gaborone, 31st October 2022
London, 18th October 2022
Santiago de Chile, 13-14th October 2022
Talk describing One Welfare, the One Welfare Framework and their role on implementing UNEP Resolution on the Nexus between animal welfare and the environment
Organised by: ANAW |
First session launching the One Welfare Stars Pilot Project at Instituto Español Cañada Blanch
Organised by: Spanish Institute Cañada Blanch and One Welfare CIC |
Delivery of Key Note sessions on One Welfare and the role of One Welfare in addressing Global Challenges.
Sponsored by: SITBA |
First Conference of CIBA Net and ISAE Southwest Europe |
UN Ocean Conference - side event |
Cañada Blanch Climate Summit |
Barcelona, 15th July 2022
Global (virtual), 29th June 2022
London, 15th June 2022
Panel session discussing the role of One Welfare in setting animal welfare science into context
Organised by: Red CIBA |
Panel session discussing the role of One Welfare within sustainable development, ocean conservation and aquatic animal welfare.
Organised by: Aquatic life institute |
Interactive session introducing the concept of One Welfare and how the welfare of animals is relevant to human wellbeing
Organised by: Cañada Blanch Spanish School |
Shaping the future of livestock farming |
Roxbourgh Startup Thursday showcase competition |
Glasgow Vet School One Welfare lecture |
Paris, 13th June 2022
Virtual, 5th May 2022
Virtual, 5th April 2022
Introducing the One Welfare concept and Framework and how it is relevant to animal health and welfare in sustainable livestock systems research.
Organised by: French European Commission Presidency. |
Jury fellow nominating sustainable innovators across the world for the Roxbourg Gold Medal and the Roxbourg Fellowship
Organised by: Roxbourg HYPR Accelerator |
Lecture for veterinary undergraduate students.
Organised by: University of Glasgow. |
World Veterinary Day 2022 - Opening Acts Key note talk |
Scientific -professional conference on the Environment |
I International Forum - Climate change challenges within tropical livestock farming |
Chile, 28th April 2022
Barcelona, 20th April 2022
Mexico, 8-10th December 2021 (Virtual)
One Welfare - humans, animals and the environment under the same umbrella.
Organised by: Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, Chile |
One Health, One Welfare, the One Welfare Framework and how it links to antimicrobial resistance .
Organised by: Seprona, Barcelona University |
Introduction to One Welfare, the One Welfare Framework and how it links to climate change.
Organised by: Various Universities, Mexico |
Introduction to One Welfare |
PANVET 2021 |
3rd International Animal Welfare Congress under the One Welfare concept |
Brasil, 1st December 2021 (Virtual)
Mexico, 24th November 2021 (Virtual)
Bogotá, 17th November 2021 (Virtual)
Introduction to the concept of One Welfare and the One Welfare Framework for the animal etology and ecology group (Grupo ETCO)
Organised by: Grupo ETCO, Brasil |
Introduction to the concept of One Welfare and the One Welfare Framework at Panvet, the largest veterinary conference in the Americas
Organised by: Panvet, Americas |
Presenting on the relationship between the One Welfare concept and great global challenges
Organised by: Uniagraria, Colombia |
5th Africa Animal Welfare Conference. "One Health, One Welfare" for a better and greener tomorrow |
VIII Spanish Conference on Animal Assisted Interventions |
10th international symposium of food innovation and development
Ghana, 1st November 2021 (Virtual)
Spain, 2nd October 2021 (Virtual)
Uruguay, 27th September 2021 (Virtual)
Presenting an introduction to the concept of One Welfare and how it relates to Food Systems, covering aspects of food production, food safety and food security.
Organised by: LATU foundation -Latitud, Uruguay |
8th International Conference on the assessment of animal welfare at farm and group level (WAFL)Ireland, 16-19th August 2021 (Virtual)
Welcome opening key note speech - One Health, One Welfare: the role of animal welfare in addressing global grand challenges
Organised by: WAFL 2021 |
Curso de bienestar animalUruguay, 14-16th July 2021 (Virtual)
Introducing the concept of One Welfare and One Welfare Framework
Organised by: Faculty of Veterinary Science, Universidad de la República, Uruguay |
One Health - One Welfare
Regional Animal Welfare Network International ConferenceGreece, 24-25th June 2021 (Virtual)
Key Note speech on the relevance of the One Welfare Framework on animals and the environment
Organised by: Regional Animal Welfare Network of the Balkans |
One Welfare - we are all connected!Sweden, 10th June 2021 (Virtual)
Introducing the concept of One Welfare and One Welfare Framework to NGO representatives
Organised by: SLU |
One Welfare concept and framework during the COVID19 pandemicBrasil, 4th June 2021 (Virtual)
Discussing the relevance of the concept of One Welfare and One Welfare Framework to Latin-American zoo and aquarium r representatives in the context of the COVID19 pandemic
Organised by: ALPZA |
Pioneer call |
I International conference af animal welfare, towards the focus of One Welfare |
I Ethics, bioethics and animal welfare forum |
Global, 29th April 2021 (Virtual)
Córdoba, Argentina , 23 rd April- &4th June 2021 (Virtual)
Matto Grosso do Sul, Brasil ,25-26th February 2021 (Virtual)
Introducing the concept of One Welfare and One Welfare Framework to NGO representatives
Sponsored by: Vier Pfoten |
Speaker on ' One Welfare and the One Welfare Framework plus "One Welfare and COVID-19"
Organised by: Universidad Católica de Cordoba, Argentina |
Speaker introducing the session discussing the concept of One Welfare
Challenges of Animal Protection and Welfare in the context of COVID-19 Pandemic Webinar |
43rd Argentinian Congress of Animal Production |
3rd Symposium of animal welfare and antibiotics free production |
China, 8 January 2021 (Virtual)
Argentina, 27 November 2020 (Virtual)
Mexico, 28 October 2020 (Virtual)
Key note speaker presenting on "One Welfare - the concept and how it applies to animal production
Key note speaker presenting on "One Welfare - the concept and how it applies to animal production
Launch of a new One Welfare study group |
Food for Earth Day 2020 |
2nd One Health Colombia |
Bogotá, 5 October 2020 (Virtual)
Global, 22 April 2020 (Virtual)
Monteria, 22-23 November 2019
Inaugural speech at the launch of a new alliance and study group of One Welfare at the University of Uniagraria in Bogota, Colombia
Speaker presenting on "One Welfare - supporting global challenges in a holistic way"
Key note speaker presenting One Welfare Framework and One Welfare Phoenix
Sponsored by MVZ Unicórdoba |
2nd Jornada Académica de bienestar animal bajo el concepto 'One Welfare' |
Pig Welfare Symposium |
II One Welfare Conference
Monteria, 21 November 2019
Minneapolis, 13-14 November 2019
Sydney, 14-15th October 2019
Key note speaker introducing One Welfare, a framework to improve animal welfare and human wellbeing
Costs covered by conference sponsors |
One Welfare Framework Publication - Open Access Crowdfunding |
One Welfare Love -
Group House Net stakeholder workshop |
Global, 2018- end of crowdfund
Global, 1st December 2018
Ljubljana, 11th June 2019
The One Welfare Team has now published with CABI The One Welfare Framework, focusing on the interrelationships between animal welfare, human wellbeing and the environment but needs your help to make the electronic publication open access for all.
You have the chance to contribute making this valuable publication free access in electronic format here. |
The One Welfare Team has now opened a brand new Redbubble shop with the new "One Welfare Love" line. Between 20-30% of sale price, depending on the product, comes directly to our non-profit enterprise and will be invested towards developing, implementing and supporting global dissemination of One Welfare through our initiatives.
You can now show your love for One Welfare here. |
Group House Net project guest speaker opening the stakeholder workshop by presenting the One Welfare Framework and how this is relevant to animal welfare in the context of animal production.
Sponsored by COST, European Cooperation in Science and Technology, group house net project . |
I Animal Welfare conference with a focus on One Welfare |
I Congress of the Veterinary Profession in Spain |
XVIII Congress of Veterinary specialties |
Bogota, Colombia, 15-16 May 2019
Murcia, Spain 10-11 May 2019
Zaragoza, 26-17th April 2019
Plenary speakers opening the I animal welfare national conference with a focus on the concept of One Welfare in Bogotá, Colombia.
Sponsored by Uniagraria, Department of animal welfare and etology . |
Plenary session discussing the contributions of Animal Welfare into Animal Health and Animal Production, presented within the One Welfare Framework .
Sponsored by the Counsel of Veterinary Surgeons Colleges in Spain. |
The One Welfare Team run an afternoon session within the animal behaviour and ethology group presenting the One Welfare Framework and veterinarians wellbeing in the context of One Welfare.
Sponsored by the Group of veterinary specialist on animal behaviour, part of the Association of Small Animals Veterinary specialist in Spain. |
7th Slovenian Veterinary CongressPortoroz, 4-7th April 2019
One Welfare, Why should vets care? opened the Congress animal welfare section
Sponsored by the Veterinary Faculty University of Ljubljana and The Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Food Safety, Veterinary Sector and Plant Protection. |
My New Year's Resolution 2019Virtual Global Event, 2019
Collaborative voluntary project to translate ' The One Welfare Framework' book to Spanish language.
Project team volunteers: Debora Racciatti, Alejandra Feld, Leopoldo Estol, Carlos López, Erika Ruiz, Arturo Hortas, Tamara Tadich, Giuliana Miguel, Nuria Querol y la Consejería de Agricultura Española en UK . |
7th Pan Commonwealth Veterinary ConferenceBangalore, 3-7th March 2019
The One Welfare Framework, Why should vets care? and Animal Welfare research priorities talks at the7th Pan Commonwealth Veterinary Conference of the Commonwealth Veterinary Association.
Sponsored by the Commonwealth Veterinary Association. |
II United Arab Emirates National Conference for Animal Welfare |
Swedish Veterinary Congress 2018, I One Welfare Symposium |
The One Welfare Framework: Why should vets care? |
Dubai, 11-12 Nov. 2018
Uppsala, 9-10 Nov. 2018
Bristol, 7 Nov. 2018
One Welfare Framework presentation within the opening session.
Sponsored by UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environment. |
One Welfare Framework presentation to open the I Swedish One Welfare Symposium taking place within the Swedish Veterinary Congress 2018
Sponsored by Sveriges Verterinärforbünd. |
One Welfare Framework talk to members of the One Health Bristol Association
Sponsored by One Health Bristol. |
I Congreso de Proyectos de Ayuda Bidireccional |
Compassion in World Farming - lunchtime seminar |
Eurogroup for Animals Annual Conference |
Torrejón de Ardoz, 29-30 Sept. 2018
Godalming, 9th July 2018
Brussels, 27 June 2018
One Welfare Framework keynote speech to open the I international bidirectional help (human-animal) congress in Torrejón de Ardoz, Spain.
Sponsored by Uniendo Almas. |
Lunchtime seminar introducing the One Welfare concept and Framework.
Sponsored by Compassion in World Farming. |
Keynote speech at the Eurogroup for Animals 2018 annual Conference presenting the One Welfare Framework.
Sponsored by Eurogroup for Animals. |
Book Launch: "One Welfare - A framework to improve animal welfare and human wellbeing" |
Global Seminar on Animal Welfare
J.A Wight Memorial Award
London, 19th June 2018
Barcelona, 7th May 2018
Birmingham, 6th April 2018
First official presentation of the book One Welfare - a framework to improve animal welfare and human wellbeing held at the Spanish Embassy in London .
Sponsored by Embassy of Spain in London, Ibérica Restaurants and Orballo |
Support to the organising committee and One Welfare Framework talk delivered at The Global Seminar of Animal Welfare hosted at the 34th World Veterinary Association Congress. The seminar followed the Global One Health Summit and focused on One Welfare.
Sponsored by World Veterinary Association |
The J.A. Wight (James Herriot) Memorial Award 2018, presented to a veterinary surgeon who has made an outstanding contribution to the welfare of companion animals, was awarded to our Founder Dr. Rebeca García Pinillos
Sponsored by Blue Cross and BSAVA |
Western Veterinary Counties Association - One Welfare - why should vets care?Exeter, 21st March 2018
One Welfare talk delivered following the annual association AGM .
Sponsored by the Western Counties Veterinary Association. |
Nottingham Vet School
V Animal Disease Defence Congress: Brazilian Veterinary Service: In search of sustainability
Belem, Para, Brasil, 4-8 December 2017
One Welfare talk delivered during the animal welfare session of this conference. Sponsored by MAPA.
Jornadas nacionales de Seguridad Alimentaria, AVESA 2017Valencia, Spain, 26-27 October 2017
British Veterinary Nurse Association Congress 2017Telford, England, 6-7 October 2017
33rd World Veterinary CongressIncheon, South Korea, 27-31 August 2017
One Welfare project founder, Dr. Rebeca García Pinillos, awarded KVMA Friendship Travel Grant to attend the 33rd World Veterinary Congress, "One Health, New Wave". This was in recognition of her work with the UK Association of Government Veterinarians to promote and disseminate One Health, One Welfare and the role of vets in society.
One Welfare Framework Webinar24th July 2017
An interactive webinar summarising key highlights of the One Welfare Framework survey and providing participants with an opportunity to contribute further to the development of this framework took place involving participants from across the world; sponsored by CABI.
OIE Welfare bulletin publication - One Welfare edition!Paris, France, 22nd May 2017
The latest OIE Welfare Bulletin has a One Welfare focus, including "Animal Welfare, an asset for livestock production"; "One Welfare: a Framework to support the implementation of OIE standards" and "One Welfare: towards sustainable livestock productions systems". Read the bulletin here.
One Welfare World twitter account launchParis, France, 22nd May 2017
New twitter account featuring a different expert/organisation sharing their #onewelfare work and expertise on a rotating basis launched at the 85th OIE General Session.
One Welfare project founder, Dr. Rebeca García Pinillos, awarded PremaGyan Good100 medal, recognising sustainable innovators with projects that exemplify compassion and wisdom.
One Welfare poster presented at the Defra/Royal Society conference, partial sponsorship from APHA.
One Welfare talk delivered to animal welfare experts from Balkan countries, partial sponsorship from APHA, Balkan Regional animal Welfare and RSPCA International.
One Welfare Framework Global Consultation LaunchVirtual Global Event, 1st February 2017
A survey consultation to help define a framework for One Welfare published.
One Welfare Website LaunchVirtual Global Event, 1st January 2017
With the arrival of the New Year the new One Welfare website is ready!
4th OIE Global Welfare Conference on Animal WelfareGuadalajara, Mexico, 6-8th December 2016
London Vet ShowLondon, UK, 17th November 2016
One Welfare talk delivered in collaboration with Association of Government Vets, partial sponsorship from APHA.
VPHA / AGV Autumn conferencePeterborough, UK, 5th November 2016
One Welfare talk delivered in collaboration with the Association of Government Vets, partial sponsorship from APHA.
One Welfare SeminarBurgos, Spain, 25th October 2016
One Welfare talk delivered to vets and other professionals dealing with animal welfare and human wellbeing issues, sponsored by the Burgos College of Veterinary Surgeons
European Congress of Animal Welfare and Behavioural MedicineCascais, Portugal, 20th October 2016
One Welfare poster presented at the European College for Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine / AWSELVA conference.
International One Welfare ConferenceManitoba, Canada, 28th September 2016
One Welfare poster presented at the international One Welfare Manitoba conference, partial sponsorship by The Links Group.
UFAW Animal Welfare ConferenceYork, UK, 23rd June 2016
One Welfare poster presented at the UFAW international conference, partial sponsorship by APHA.
Published call for contributions to build up a One Welfare view point |
One Welfare Stakeholder discussion meeting
London, 17th December 2015
London, 26th October 2015
Call published in Veterinary Record asking for contributions towards a One Welfare view point paper (Pinillos, RG., Appleby, MC, Scott-Park, F., Smith, CW. (2015) One Welfare, Veterinary Record 177, 629-630 ).
One Welfare stakeholder meeting held at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in London to discuss the concept of One Welfare. The meeting included a number of UK Government Department, NGOs and Veterinary Association representatives.