Ciencia del bienestar animal y bioética - Uniagraria, Colombia
This postgraduate course includes a session and practical exercise on One Welfare. Etica y legislación nacional e internacional en bienestar animal - Uniagraria, Colombia
This postgraduate course includes a session and practical exercise on One Welfare. Master en Salud Global - Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
This master includes a compulsory theoretical module on One Welfare One Health One Welfare rotation -University of Nottingham (UoN) - England
This rotation is a core element for all year 5 students at the School of Veterinary Medicine and Science (SVMS) of the UoN. The students discuss the impact of veterinary contributions on human health and welfare and the environment, assess physical and psychological signs of animal welfare and optimise facility design and management strategies accordingly. They also identify veterinary interventions that ensure food safety and food security, use ethical and evidence-based approaches to aid decision-making, develop lifelong strategies to improve self-resilience in a clinical environment, design and critique disease prevention and control strategies for important animal and human diseases, and recognise the frameworks for risk assessment, risk management and risk communication in human and animal health settings. Diplomado Un Bienestar: Bienestar Animal Aplicado y Sostenibilidad - Universidad Autónoma Nacional de México, Programa Universitario de Alimentación Sostenible. México
This postgraduate course focuses on One Welfare foundations and includes a session and practical exercise on One Welfare. Feline Colonies Management - Postgraduate Specialist Diploma. Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Asociación Española de Veterinarios Municipales.
We provide a One Welfare foundation and focus on how to adopt a One Welfare approach in Feline Colonies Management. |